BSS Students Fill Stockings for Those in Need

In celebration of generosity, December’s virtue of the month, and in recognition of Foundation Day of the Sisters of Mercy on December 12, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School students joined with their Buddy Classes to prepare holiday stockings for the sick and needy in our community.

All students collected a variety of items like toiletries, puzzle books, granola bars, hand sanitizer, cough drops, hand lotion, tissues, gum, mints, notepads and pens. On December 15, Pre-K through fourth-grade students decorated stockings to hold the treats. Students also created hand-written notes and cards to help brighten the Christmas season for those in area hospitals and nursing homes. The last week of school before the holiday break, middle school grades teamed up with their Buddy Classes to stuff the stockings and add the notes. Teams of students and teachers hand-delivered the stockings and saw firsthand how their efforts were helping members of our community.

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